Headlight protection varnish after polishing
Lacquer for headlights performs many functions, from visual decoration and to the protection of plafonds. You can apply it with your own hands, but first you need to learn the main varieties, popular manufacturers and safety rules when performing the work.
Types of protective coatings for headlights
The composition is classified according to the material on which it can be applied. There are for glass, and there are for polymers, acrylic and polycarbonate. There are also different variants in terms of form: aerosols and separate two components that are mixed before application.
There are 3 variants available in auto stores:
- Acrylic one-component.. There are both colorless and tinted models to choose from. It is produced as a spray, you can easily apply it by yourself, the composition dries quickly. When the varnish dries, its surface acquires a glossy sheen. The disadvantage of the acrylic one-component composition is that it does not go into cracks and chips, so it is not quite suitable for covering polycarbonate.Acrylic composition from the company KUDO.
- Two-component .. The two components are poured into different containers, one of them contains the varnish, the other - an additive for hardening. The two compositions are mixed before coating the headlights. Two-component varnish is a bit more difficult to apply, but it achieves a better result. The substance covers the entire surface, so it can be used to cover plastic parts.Two components before mixing.
- Urethane. Available as an aerosol, fully transparent. A high-quality application of urethane varnish requires thorough preparation of the surface, including cleaning and degreasing. It will create a good protective layer, will prevent mechanical and atmospheric effects on the headlights.Aerosol with urethane composition.
Varnishes can be transparent and tinting. The first perform mainly protective functions, the second allows you to improve the appearance of the car.
Varnishes, which are applied to the headlights after polishing, are also classified according to the characteristics of hardness. They depend on the percentage of the polymer fraction:
- HS. The abbreviation stands for formulations with a large volume of dry substance and a minimal amount of solvent. Externally they are characterized by a bright sheen. Can be applied in one and a half coats to enhance the protective function.
- MS. Compounds with a medium amount of dry matter and solvent. They are applied to the headlamps in several layers (usually 2-3), with each new layer applied only after drying.
- USH. Compounds with the highest solids content. This allows the compound to dry quickly and become as strong as possible.
Why varnish is needed, its functions
Earlier in the automotive industry, glass was used for headlight covers. The disadvantage of this material in the fragility and sharpness of splinters, which in emergency situations posed an additional danger. Now everyone has switched to plastic, it is cheaper, more reliable, safer.
But plastic also has its disadvantages. Even a small pebble can leave a noticeable scratch on the surface. The sun, whose rays cause the material to darken, yellow and lose its appearance, is also a pest.
Polishing is responsible for restoring the appearance. Its essence is that the upper damaged layer is removed, leaving a clean headlight, it looks like new. To prevent the material from falling into disrepair again, the polished headlamp is varnished, this allows you to provide the following functions:
- reduce the intensity of wear and tear on the headlamps;
- create an additional layer for protection against mechanical impact, sunlight, precipitation;
- Improve the appearance due to the formation of a glossy sheen;
- Facilitate cleaning, because the lacquered surface is easy to remove dust and dirt.
Thanks to the enhanced protection properties headlights and that will save you money on replacing those parts.
An overview of the best headlight polishes after polishing
Coating the headlights with varnish after another polishing is the right decision to improve the protective properties. All that remains is to choose among the options available on the market.
Lens Clear
World-famous Greek company HD Body has a good product for headlight lacquering. It is produced as an aerosol, has elastic properties, and dries quickly after application. Provides a good level of protection from sunlight and mechanical action.
This two-component variant is already from the American company Delta Kits, and it is approved for use in the Clear Pro Plus repair system. The compound has absolute clarity and a glossy sheen, so your headlights will look like new. Additionally, the transparency and gloss increase the brightness of the light bulb.
Where in this area without the products of the famous Japanese company Kovax. Its varnish has a transparent structure, restores the appearance of spotlights, improves brightness, levels minor damage and yellowing. It includes 3 components at a time, and is sold as a set.
Rules of headlamp varnish coating after polishing
The process of varnishing headlamps is not complicated, but if you make mistakes, the result may not be as expected. There are nuances at different stages of the work, and they may depend on the type of varnish selected:
- The first mandatory step is cleaning. Any dirt and dust can harm the future coating. Even more dangerous is the residue of bituminous sealant, this substance significantly worsens the adhesion. You need to clean the headlights, remove all material residues, dirt, coat with degreaser. It is also important that the surface is completely dry, for this it should be left for a few hours.
- Dilution of two-component varnish. According to the instructions, it is necessary to dilute the composition immediately before application. It is better to do it in portions, to dilute as much material as is used in the next 10-15 minutes, after this time the composition loses its properties.
- Coating before applying acrylic varnish. If this option is chosen, you should not use special pastes for polishing, because they will worsen the adhesion of materials.Acrylic varnish does not adhere well to the paste.
- Time to get durability. After applying the varnish, it needs 24 hours to "take root" and be ready for use. During this time, do not use the car, wash the headlights, polish their surface.
- Use of compounds in spray cans. Application is made from a distance of 10-15 centimeters, the jet should move perpendicular to the plane of the plafond. Each successive line should cover half of the previous one.
- If the coating is carried out by a non-removable method (headlights remain in the car), then adjacent parts of the body should be sealed, so that the composition does not accidentally fall on them.Protect the surrounding body parts.
- To avoid stripes, the application is done in stages, changing the direction of movement.
- To speed up drying, you can turn on the headlight for a while after application or use a hot-air dryer.
The structure of the headlamp surface can be affected by mistakes made during mistakes made during polishing. It is important to gradually change the grit size of the materials and to avoid overheating the surface when working with the grinder.
Safety precautions
When performing work, it is important not only to do everything according to the instructions, but also to adhere to safety rules:
- When applying varnish, protective clothing is used. Gloves and goggles are mandatory, protective overalls are also useful. In addition, it is worth taking care of the respiratory tract, paint materials can be applied only with a respirator.
- Preparation of the room. The room where the work will be carried out should be clean and well ventilated.
- Fire safety. There should not be any sources of open flame in the vicinity of the headlight lacquering. It is desirable to have a fire extinguisher on hand.
- Avoidance of unauthorized persons. It is important that children do not have access to the place of work, it is also desirable to limit access by pets.
In conclusion, the thematic video.