Description of daytime running lights
Daytime running lights - an obligatory element of a modern car, which is installed on almost all models by default. This type of lighting is designed to highlight the car in the stream when driving during the day and improve its visibility. For the first time the use of running lights was introduced in Scandinavia, after became used in many countries. In Russia, the mandatory inclusion of daytime running lights in the daytime is mandatory since 2010.
What are the daytime running lights
Daytime running lights - an abbreviation for DRL. The definition sounds like this: it is part of the system of lighting equipment, which is a device located in the front of the car. Its main purpose is to improve the visibility of moving vehicles during daylight hours.
Following a change in traffic regulations it is compulsory to turn on the lights during the daytime. As running lights are allowed to use several basic options:
- Stand-alone parking lights.The lights can be used as running lights, originally included in the design or additionally installed in compliance with the standards. Most often it is an LED light source in the form of strips or lights, which has a high brightness and is visible from afar. At the same time, diodes consume little energy and have a long service life, which saves on bulb replacement.Modern cars are equipped with the default parking lights.
- The main headlight can also be used as daytime running lights. It turns on when you move off and turns off when you stop. The option is universal, as headlights are on all cars, regardless of the year of manufacture and design. The only disadvantage - their resource decreases because of constant work of the headlights.because the diffuser gets warm all the time.
- Headlamp main beam can be used as a headlamp, provided that it works at 30% of maximum power. This mode is in some models of cars, which allows them to use as an alternative to the running lights. In this case, it is important not to use this option at full power, too bright light will cause discomfort to other drivers and pedestrians.
- Fog lights - Another permitted alternative to the parking lights. They are turned on the same way as the dipped beam and are used while driving during the day. There are no restrictions on power and brightness, any standard version of the permissible color (white or yellowish).Fog lights - a legal alternative to the parking lights.
By the way! In many European countries, you may not use the fog lights during the day. This point should be clarified when you travel abroad.
Understanding what daytime running lights on the car and what they are intended for, you can choose the best option for use, suitable most. The main thing is not to forget to turn on the lights, if it is necessary to do so at the beginning of the movement.
Advantages and disadvantages of running lights
Individual running lights have features, they have both pros and cons to consider. The pros are:
- Visibility of the car is good, because the running lights use bright LED bulbs. They highlight the car in any weather, including a bright sunny day.
- Electricity consumption is minimal, the diodes require minimal power. This reduces the load on the battery, the generator and the system as a whole.
- The lights come on automatically when the engine starts and go off when the engine stops. The driver won't forget to turn the lights on at the start of the drive, eliminating fines and providing the necessary safety.
- LEDs have a lifespan of 40,000 hours or more. This is the most durable option, it will last for many years and will not require periodic bulbs replacement. In addition, diodes retain characteristics throughout their lifetime, the light does not become dim and does not change its performance over time.
- OEM and self-installed elements (if properly installed) improve the appearance of the car and make it more modern. In many models, it is the LED block of a special shape, which serves as a car decoration.
This option has disadvantages to consider, they mainly relate to situations where the running lights are installed on their own:
- Equipping a car with running lights is only allowed after approval of the installation of elements in the prescribed manner. And this is a big cost in time and significant material costs. If you install the lights yourself, the traffic police inspector can write a fine, even if all the requirements are actually met.
- The price of a quality set is about 10,000 rubles, and often even more. Cheap ones are not reliable, there are often problems with normal operation, and the resource is several times less than declared.
- It can be difficult to place light sources in the front to make them look nice. This is due to the design of the front end, which does not provide additional lights, and a number of requirements that must be met.
If the car model in some versions installed running lights, the easiest way to buy a second-hand equipment and put it in its original place. In this case, you will not have to coordinate anything.
How do they differ from parking lights
Many drivers instead of running lights include lights. This is a violation of the rules, for which a fine of 500 rubles may be issued. The brightness of the parking lights is much lower and it does not provide the necessary visibility of the car during the day, as designed for dusk and darkness. The purpose of parking lights - the designation of standing on the unlit side of the car to draw the attention of other drivers and to avoid a collision.
Running lights should be bright, this is their main difference from the parking lights. They are located only at the front of the car, while the parking lights should be at the back and, if the vehicle is long, at the side.
Lighting can be used as an alternative to parking lights at night. The rules allow it.
Read also: Running and parking lights: What is the difference between them
How to choose navigation lights
In order for this element to be not only functional, but also attractive in appearance, you need to remember a few simple recommendations and be guided by the scheme:
- Select the location according to the parameters shown in the picture. Most often there are problems with the distance between the lights, as in some models it is difficult to maintain 600 mm. In this case, you need to agree on a different position before installation.Running lights can be placed in the niche of the bumper, this is the easiest mounting option.
- The shape should be chosen based on the features of the front of the car. It is important that after the installation of light sources, it retains an attractive appearance. There are vertical and horizontal bands, oval and round options, and other shapes.
- It is better to use models from reputable manufacturers with bright LEDs. It is important that the kit comes with everything you need to connect.
- If there is no space for installation, you will have to make a hole in the bumper. In this case, it is worth selecting the most compact options, they will not take up much space and will look neat.
Recommended reading: How to Choose the Right Running Lights According to the State Standard, So You Do Not Get Fined
In the kit must necessarily be a diagram of the connection of daytime running lights. It is important to comply with it and connect additional elements correctly.
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Daytime running lights increase traffic safety and improve the visibility of the car during the day. If there are no standard daytime running lights, you can use dipped beam, high beam or fog lights. Any violations will result in a fine, so the lights must be on when the motor is started.