Is it allowed to install LED bulbs in headlights
Installing LED headlight bulbs instead of regular halogen - a popular decision among drivers. But despite the good performance of diode equipment, put it is not possible on all machines. Many problems can arise - from blinding oncoming drivers to improper light distribution. In addition, a fine may be imposed for the use of LED equipment.
Can LED bulbs be installed instead of halogen bulbs?
Until 2019, diodes were equated to illegal xenon and for their installation were deprived of a license for up to 1 year by a court decision. But after the changes in legislation and the allocation of LEDs as a separate category liability has decreased. But at the same time, there are a number of rules, compliance with which is mandatory for the normal operation of the light:
- First of all, you need to find out whether the model was put on the headlights under the LED bulbs. If there were no such options, to use the equipment legally will not work. The fact is that reflectors, lenses and other elements of the system are made for certain types of lamps. If they are not adapted to LEDs, it will be extremely difficult to install and adjust them correctly.When properly installed, the quality of light is noticeably improved.
- LED lamps instead of halogen lamps can be put on the headlights, which fit this option. To do this, inspect the reflector and markings on the body, most often there is the inscription LED (variants like LEAD and other inscriptions with errors indicate dubious origin of headlights). Also can be used a large letter. "L", it also confirms that the diode equipment can be put into the design without breaking the law.It is necessary to study the labels or markings to make sure that the use of LEDs is allowed.
- In some models, the reflector and diffuser are originally designed for LED equipment, this is an ideal solution. Most often, models with diodes have a large base, which may not fit into a standard headlight housing. If it is designed for such lamps, then there is enough space and there are no problems with installation.
Do not buy cheap LED lamps with light sources around the perimeter. Quality options have a configuration similar to halogen, in them the emitters are arranged in the same way as the filaments in the standard equipment. Only this model can provide a normal light distribution, the rest do not create the beam of light required by traffic rules and pass the technical inspection will not work.
Penalty for LED headlight bulbs
Penalty can be imposed, provided that the diode equipment in the headlights, which are designed only for halogen. That is, with a normal light distribution and brightness chances that the inspector will consider the lamps are slim. But nevertheless, if the LEDs are used in the design intended for them, is written out fine of 500 rubles.
The law does not provide for other penalties, so even if the violation is repeatedly identified, the punishment will not change. Now The only thing you can be deprived of your license for is installation of non-standard xenonLEDs do not belong to this category anymore.
What LED bulbs are allowed
Only special automotive bulbs may be used. The following must first be checked The marking on the headlamp housing or their glass (if the design is not dismantled or difficult to remove). In special documentation LEDs are designated as LEDs, most often the data is not only in the factory markings, but also on the reflector. In some cases, they only put the letter L.
It is important that the documentation of the machine was a clear indication of the possibility of using LED equipment. Then you can put the lamps without fear of penalties.
Lamps are used with markings that are similar to H1, H7, H11, etc. halogen lamps. Although it is wrong, manufacturers put exactly such data to make it easier for drivers to navigate and select the equipment. At the same product can have the same designation, but distribute the light differently.
It is important to consider the size of the lamp as well, sometimes it is impossible to replace the standard element on the LED due to the fact that the massive radiator in the back does not fit into the body of the headlight. Often the caps do not close, which is also unacceptable, because the tightness of the structure is violated.
If there were already LED bulbs in the headlights, it is better to change them for similar ones to ensure that good light is maintained.
Video-block: Why you can not put LED lamps in the reflector optics.
Correct installation of LED lamps
The work is not complicated. If you choose a quality kit, everything you need for installation is at your fingertips. The lights usually consist of the light source itself and a stabilizer, also called a driver. For ease of connection, standard connectors are put on the system, which is very convenient. The work is carried out as follows:
- The space to work is freed up.. Often, to replace the lamps you must remove the interfering nodes - air filter housing, battery, etc. To be on the safe side, you should remove one of the terminals before you begin.
- Old lamps are removedYou should compare them to the new ones to make sure the socket size is the same. Also, the location of the diodes should match the spirals in the halogen version. This ensures that the light will be distributed in the same way.
- The LED elements are inserted in place and fixed. Next, it is necessary to connect the wiring. If the connector fits, it is not difficult. If, however, the chips do not match, you will have to use an additional connection and ensure the correct polarity. This is not difficult to do, since the insulation is color-coded for convenience.
- The location of the driver is selected. It is best to fix it on a double-sided tape in the body of the headlight. If there isn't room there, it is attached nearby. Do not leave it just dangling.
- After installation, the battery terminal is connected and check the operation of the lighting system. Only then you can reassemble the construction to the end and put all the assemblies that were removed.
After replacement, be sure to re-adjust the headlights. The luminous flux of LEDs is worse than that of halogenTherefore, the settings are sure to be wrong. A special device will help to set the light so as to ensure visibility and not blind oncoming drivers.
Topical video.
LED bulbs can be installed instead of halogen bulbs only in headlights that were originally designed for this light source. In all other cases, it will be a violation of the law, which will be punishable by a fine.