How to adjust correctly PTF
FTF adjustment is an important process that should be approached responsibly. Not only the comfort, but also the safety of driving in bad weather conditions depends on the fog lights. It is important to know how to properly conduct the adjustment process, how to perform it, and what mistakes should be avoided.
Requirements for adjustment of PTFs
In the case of fog lights will not roll installation "for the sake of ticking". This is a very important unit of lighting, the parameters of which are strictly defined by the norms of traffic regulations, GOST, UNECE. According to the documents, the main requirements are put forward:
- PTF must be at a height of not less than 25 centimeters from the ground.
- Distance from PTF to the outer dimension of the car - maximum 40 centimeters.
The standards concern not only the location of the lights, but also the characteristics of the light itself:
- The beam must be directed downward. The upper boundary of the light beam is clear.
- The horizontal angle of dispersion must not exceed 70 degrees.
Requirements are prescribed at the official level, so their violation will not only lead to the deterioration of the comfort and safety of movement, but also will entail liability under the law.
The documents also specify the conditions of use of fog lights. It makes no sense to turn them on when visibility is good, but during deteriorating weather conditions (fog, rain, snow) they will be useful. Also It is allowed to use PTF on difficult road sections: serpentines, steep turns, etc.
Therefore it is necessary to adjust automobile fog lights to meet both the installation site requirement and the light beam requirement. Usually the fog lights are installed at a height of about 30-70 cm above the groundThe light from them is directed to the road.
Instructions for proper adjustment
It is possible to adjust correctly PTF on your own. In the process it is important not only to strictly follow the instructions, but also preparatory work, which concerns the headlights themselves, the car, the site where the adjustment will be carried out. If there is no possibility to make adjustments, it is better to go to the service station, they will cope with the task quickly and accurately. If you want to do everything yourself, you should read the instructions in detail.
Preparation of the car, headlights, platform, materials
From the preparatory stage depends on the accuracy of the result of the adjustment. Even if everything is done correctly, but the preparation requirements are not met, the fog lights will not meet the standards.
So, to adjust the fog lights correctly, you need:
- Prepare the site. It is important that it be horizontal. You can check this approximately by eye or use a construction level. Perfect flatness as at the construction site is not required, but the horizontality must be respected.
- Checking the tire pressureCheck the tire pressure and inflate all four tires to the standard level. This is important, because if the pressure during the installation of PTF is wrong, then after the future pumping of the tires characteristics of the headlights will change.A pressure check is mandatory.
- Fill up the car. Before adjusting, you need to fill the fuel tank.
- Load the car .. The interior and the trunk should be as loaded as is standard for a particular vehicle in most cases.
- Installing the screen. A special screen must be placed in an upright position 10 meters away from the car.
- Preparing the markings. It can be drawn on the wall or garage door.
- Preparing the tools. In the work you will need screwdrivers, measuring tools (tape measure, ruler), marker or chalk.Screwdriver - a tool with which to make adjustments
- Cleaning the headlights .. It is important that there is no dust, dirt, stickers on the headlights, so that the light comes out in full.
When all the requirements are met, you can move on to perform the main part of the process - the adjustment of the PTF.
Guidelines for adjustment
First, you need to take a tool for marking (chalk or marker will do) and a retractable tape measure. Drawing a marking will be the first step in performing the work, it is important to do it correctly on the wall or previously prepared screen.
Begin to apply the marking with the following elements:
- A vertical strip, which corresponds to the central axis of the vehicle;
- Two parallel strips that go to the center of the fog lights;
- a horizontal upper strip, which will be the level between the center of the fog lights and the surface of the roadway;
- horizontal line, which depends on the location of the upper line and the distance to the car. So, if from the screen to the marking 10 meters, and the height of the upper striping 25-50 centimeters, the bottom line will be 10 cm. When adjusting with a distance of 5 meters, this figure will be 5 cm.
After marking, you can turn on the fog lights and determine if they are properly adjusted. To do this, you need to cover one spotlight with a thick material that will not let the light through (cardboard will do).
If the light is not set correctly, you need to start adjusting. For this purpose, there are special adjustment screws in the construction of vehicles. Their location may vary depending on the specific model of the vehicle, the easiest way to find out exactly where the screws are, you can from the manual. Twist these elements until it is possible to adjust the PTF so that:
- the center of the bright spot from the light coincides with the points of intersection of vertical parallel strips with the bottom horizontal line;
- Upper line of light should be exactly on the lower horizontal strip.
It is also important that the light has an even direction from both the left fog light and the right fog light. If this result is achieved, the adjustment process can be considered successfully completed.
Alternative method. Instead of the usual tape measure to measure, you can use a more modern tool - a laser level. It, too, is lined up so that the line divides the fog light plafond in half.
We recommend to see a master class on adjustment.
Common mistakes when adjusting
Adjustment of PTFs can really be done on your own and save money that would have been spent on this service in the service station. But self-adjustment often does not bring desirable results due to mistakes:
- The work is done by eye. Of course, you can visually determine approximately whether the fog lights are well adjusted, but it is not always possible. It is necessary to check the directionality of the light only with markings.
- Technical condition of the vehicle. The car can skew if the suspension springs are faulty. Therefore, these assemblies are necessarily checked before the work is carried out.
- Replacing bulbs in PTFs. When replacing, people often choose xenon instead of standard bulbs, as a result of visibility on the road in bad weather - unsatisfactory. The fact is that it is the yellow light that effectively penetrates through fog and precipitation.Xenon looks nice, but is less effective in bad weather.
- Neglecting the preparatory step. If the surface is not horizontal or the pressure in the wheels is not the same, the light output will be distorted.
If you do everything according to the instructions, there should not be any mistakes, you will get the correct adjustment of the fog lights. It will not take more than 30 minutes.