How to make cabinet lighting when doors open
Backlighting in the closet not only makes storing and finding things more convenient, but also improves the appearance of the furniture. In some models it comes by default, but more often than not you have to make it yourself. The process is not difficult, if you follow the recommendations for the work and use safe lights.
Selection of lamps and fixtures
For the light to be comfortable and safe, it is worth considering a few tips, they will help not to make a mistake and get a good result. Since the cabinet is a closed space, only certain types of lamps and fixtures can be put in it. It is better to deal with this issue in advance, the nature of the work carried out and the materials used depend on the choice.
Lamps for lighting
Too bright light in a limited space is not necessary, it will bring more discomfort than good. When choosing, you need to consider the size of lighting fixtures, the features of their installation and power consumption. At the moment, the following options are used:
- Halogen lamps Give good light, which over time almost does not deteriorate, have a compact size. But the lamp and plafond strongly heats up when working, so it can be placed on top, so that the body is outside and cooled, otherwise there is a risk of fire. For cabinets use 12 V versions, which need a power supply. The bulb should not be touched as it will deteriorate. If there is still a fingerprint on the surface, you need to wipe the place with alcohol.Built-in halogen lights in the outside of the closet.
- Fluorescent bulbs consume much less electricity than halogen and are not very hot when they work. Therefore, they can also be used in furniture, especially since there are variants of different wattages and with different color temperatures. But at the same time, the luminaires are quite large, which complicates installation. Another disadvantage - inside the bulb is a vapor of mercury, if it is damaged, the poisonous fumes will enter the room.
- LED lights - the best solution for cabinets and any other furniture today. They use the least amount of electricity, use almost no heat, and are small in size. You can find compact models for limited space that run on a safe 12 V voltage for people, and some versions run on battery power. LEDs usually have a lifespan of 50,000 hours, which, when used in furniture, guarantees dozens of years of operation.
- LED strip - is a convenient option. Takes up the least amount of space, can be glued anywhere and still gives a bright and even light. The intensity of the lighting is easy to adjust, and if you put RGB-tape, you can change the color of the backlight, which provides a wide range of interior design options. Power consumption is small, it is not difficult to connect the system with a minimum set of tools. Suitable for both clothes and kitchen cabinets.
If you already have fluorescent lamps installed, then instead of them you can put If you already have fluorescent lamps installed, you can put more economical LED lamps instead.
Types of luminaires
All options used for cabinets and other furniture can be divided into two main groups. Each of them has features that are worth considering when choosing:
- Recessed models are built into holes that are pre-cut in chipboard or other material. Most of all suitable for the canopy in a closet or its top panel, as the body will be visible from the back side and put such a light on the middle shelves will not work. Usually such solutions give directional light. The outer part is beautiful, and the body should hide under the surface, its size is usually not less than 7 cm, that is, there should be a small niche above the top.
- Overhead models are installed in any convenient place, have an attractive body, which is fixed to the surface. Use options with halogen or fluorescent lamps is problematic, they take up a lot of space. But LED lights can have a thickness of less than 2 cm, which allows you to put them almost anywhere.Overhead LED options are very convenient when used in cabinets.
LED strip is a separate type, because it differs from the standard equipment and can be mounted almost anywhereThat simplifies the lighting of cabinets and allows you to arrange it without any restrictions.
Choosing where to mount and the type of switch
The light in the closet must provide comfortable use of furniture and good visibility of shelves and compartments. According to SNiP, closets must provide a lighting level of 50-75 lux. Also, regulatory documents recommend the use of equipment with reduced voltage to ensure safety and eliminate the risk of electric shock.
When using the standard voltage of 220 V in the system necessarily put a RCD, which will cut off the power supply in case of damage to the insulation. It is also important to ensure reliable contact connections, it is recommended to do them with either terminals or soldering, followed by insulation and placement in heat shrink tubing.
Place of installation
There are several options for installing lighting, so you need to think in advance and determine which of them is suitable:
- Built-in lights in the canopy or the top ledge of a closet. This option allows you to light the space in front of the closet to look in the mirror when dressing. They are usually located on the outside, so they can be turned on even with the doors closed.
- Instead of spotlights you can install them on the outer ledge mount LED strips across the entire width of the façade or pick up a narrow, long diode light fixture. In large-width designs, there can be two or three lights. Such solutions give an even, diffused light, the main thing is to choose a variant with the right brightness.
- On top of the bar compartmentwhere you hang outerwear, suits and dresses. Here, too, is to use LED equipment. You can place both along the outer edge, and with an offset inside, if the depth of the compartment is large and it needs to be illuminated evenly.The upper arrangement is a classic solution for compartments with clothes on hangers.
- By the bottom of the shelves.. In this case the use of LED stripThe edge of the shelf is a strip that is glued along the edge and illuminates the compartment that is below. If the shelves are deep enough, the tape can be offset to illuminate the entire space evenly.
- At the back top of the shelves and compartments. This technique allows you to give the compartments volume and fill them with light. It is often used in compartments with dishes, books or on open and glazed shelves. Often has a decorative, rather than practical function.
- On the side walls of cabinets.. The method is well suited if the width of the compartment is large, or the department with a rod is deep. You can use both fixtures and ribbon, the length and power to choose depending on the volume of space.
By the way! You can combine different options, if it will improve the effect.
Type of switches
There are many types, there are both traditional and new, which are characterized by convenience. You can choose one of the following solutions:
- Cord switch - you just have to pull the installed chain to turn on the light. Switching off is done in the same way.
- Push-button option is a dangling cable with a module, like in floor lamps or nightlights. The button is pressed to one side when switching on, and to the opposite side when switching off.A simple switch for sconces will do.
- Push-button is the easiest and most common solution, which can be either surface-mounted or built-in. Because of the size, there are problems with the choice of location.
- Limit switches switches are placed in an inconspicuous place, when the door is closed the circuit is open and the light does not go on. And when the door begins to move, the spring in the mechanical device straightens and closes the contacts. The system is simple, takes up little space, and lasts a long time. Over time, the spring can weaken and the light will stop turning on, in which case you must replace the entire unit, as it is not dismantled.
- Sensor Devices - a convenient solution, which works by touch, or when the hand approaches the sensor closer than 6 cm, it all depends on the model and workmanship. Reliable system, but you need to choose high-quality sensors, as cheap ones often fail or work incorrectly.
- Motion sensors - Another popular option, it is triggered when opening the sash or approaching the cabinet. Most often installed at the top or bottom on the inside, they are small in size and do not interfere with the use of the cabinet. The devices are easy to install and connect.You can buy a lamp with a built-in motion sensor.
It is better to choose automatic solutions, they are much more convenient to use.
Installation of lighting in a closed way
Lighting in a sliding-door closet It is best to do by concealed wiringIt looks much neater and there is no danger of the cable being damaged. To understand the work, it is easier to divide it into stages.
Preparation and wiring diagram
Before you begin installation, you need to think through the system and make at least the simplest project. First of all, decide on the following aspects:
- The type of lighting and equipment that will be used. It is important to make sure that there are suitable lighting fixtures in stores. If not, then select models that can be purchased.
- Determine the position of the lighting elements and their number. Proceed from the design of the cabinet, the number of compartments and the nature of use. It makes no sense to illuminate all the shelves, it is better to highlight only those that are constantly in use.
- Consider how to connect to the wiring to understand where the line will come from. If using a low-voltage version, find a place to install a power supply and dimmer, if available.Diagram for an LED luminaire with a dimmer switch.
- Make a simple diagram on which to mark the location of all elements and their number. You can also take measurements to determine the approximate distances between objects. This will help to calculate the right amount of cable.
- Buy everything you need for the job, do not forget about the fasteners and pads or other connectors wiring. Take a cable with a small marginbecause it needs to be connected to the terminals and the actual consumption is usually a little more than planned.
If you will be installed mortise lights, you will need a screwdriver or an electric drill with a drill bit for wood, the diameter of which is chosen according to the size of the body of the lighting equipment. To run the wire through the shelves and walls are drilled small holes.
Laying the cable in a closed way and the connection of lighting fixtures
In order not to make the wire open, and the appearance of the room and the cabinet did not deteriorate, it is necessary to hide the cable. Therefore, it is better to think about this point in advance and conduct the necessary work:
- It is best to make a chink in the wall and lay the wire in a corrugated sleeve to the future location of the closet. Then you can connect inside the closet, which simplifies the work and allows you to do it neatly. When cladding the walls with plasterboard is even easier - it is necessary to lay the wire behind the frame and take it out where necessary, making sure to put it in a corrugated protection.It is best to take care of the power of the lighting at the stage of repair.
- If the cable is not routed in advance, you can connect to the network from the nearest junction box or socket. Do not forget that during the work is sure to turn off electricity. Connect the cable with a socket, place it in the cable duct, which is attached to the wall and led to the cabinet.
- When installing built-in lights, it is necessary to cut holes. First, measurements are taken and marks are made, so that the equipment was located at the selected distance and the indentation from the edge was the same everywhere. It is more convenient to work with a wood crown, while working it should be kept strictly perpendicular, so that the cut turns out even.Usually have one light over each sash.
- If the overhead LED light will be installed, determine its location inside and drill a hole for the wire, which is easiest to pull through the top. If the cabinet from floor to ceiling, then lead the cable through the side wall, inside the cabinet it is better to put it in a cable-channel for safety.
- Consider the location of the power supply and dimmer, if available. They need to be placed in an inconspicuous place, but the case must be well cooled, otherwise it will quickly break from the constant overheating. The wire is also led to the location of the switch, it can be both cut into the surface and mounted on it.
- It is better to make all connections with pads or special sealed terminals. As a last resort, you can solder them and put them in a heat shrink tube to protect them from damage and oxidation.It is easier to connect the wiring with special terminals.
- Light fixtures and other equipment fasten with self-tapping screws of small length, so they do not come out the back side of the walls.
After assembly Be sure to check the operation of the systemIn order to correct problems if necessary.
Mounting the LED strip
When using tape, the work will be a little different from the moment the wire is brought to the cabinet. Here it is worth remembering these tips:
- Determine the place of installation of the tape, measurements are taken to determine the length of the cut pieces. It is worth remembering that cut it can only be used in certain places, so size it so that it is not too big or too small.
- Cut a wire of suitable length that will run to each ribbon. Solder it to the contacts of the ribbon or attach with a special connector. Glue the ribbon in the right places.
- Connect to the power line by terminals or soldering, followed by packing the contacts in a heat shrink. Connect the power supply and dimmer or color control system, if any.
If the adhesive layer on the LED strip is not very reliable, you can glue additional strips of double-sided adhesive tape.
How to install a motion sensor
If a proximity switch will be used, then most of the work will not be different, but it is necessary to perform the installation of the equipment correctly:
- If a capacitive switch is installed, it is placed in a place where it is convenient to reach out to turn on the light. Usually it is enough to put the palm of your hand to the surface at a distance of a few centimeters. The mounting height is about waist level, or a little higher if there are small children at home who may indulge in backlighting.
- When installing the infrared sensor, choose a place at the top of the cabinet no more than 10 cm from the edge. Position it so that when you approach the furniture, the light turns on automatically. Usually, with a furniture height of 220 cm, the radius is about a meter.Select motion sensors according to the characteristics you need for a particular cabinet.
- If you need light in the cabinet when you open the door, then put a contact sensor on the edge of the sash in any convenient location.
To conclude the video: LED light with infrared sensor M314.1.
To equip the closet lighting is not difficult, if you choose a safe light fixtures of the right size and connect them in compliance with electrical safety standards. It is better to use modern non-contact systems to turn on the lights, they are much more convenient.