Lighting requirements for beauty salons and hair salons
Lighting for a beauty salon is very important. It does not only provide a comfortable environment to work in, but creates an image of the institution, creating an atmosphere in which people want to return. It is important to choose the right lighting fixtures, because the requirements for different areas are different.
What role does lighting play
Light in hair and beauty salons is very important because it affects a number of aspects:
- Creates an impression of the institution to those who pass by or pass by. Here, first of all, the lighting of the shop window and the entrance area is important, as well as quality light inside the premises, if large windows are used and the internal space is well visible.
- Provides the ideal conditions for quality work for hairdressers and other professionals. It is important that people can see everything to the smallest detail and at the same time not to strain their eyesight, so that not too much fatigue in the process of work. The better the conditions, the better the result and the more grateful customers you will have in the end.
- The right light ensures accurate color rendering so that both the master and the client can appreciate the color of hair, nails, etc. If the lighting distorts color renderingproblems can arise because people find out later on that the shade is not at all what they perceived in the beauty salon.
- Clients should feel comfortable and at ease. This applies to all areas, so you need to think about each separately. Particular attention should be paid to the place where they are waiting for their turn, because for some reason it is often overlooked.
Natural light is also important, so if possible, make the windows as large as possible.
Basic requirements
Lighting for a hairdressing studio or beauty salon must meet a number of requirements. It is best to be guided by the norms from SanPiN "Hairdressing. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, equipment and contents". Several peculiarities can be highlighted:
- In rooms designed for washing and hair coloring, as well as hair drying, the level of illumination should not be less than 400 lux.
- For hairdressing rooms the norm is also 400 lux.
- Rooms with cosmetology services - here the rate is from 500 lux.
- Rooms with manicure and pedicure need at least 500 lux.
- Areas or separate rooms for waiting visitors must be lit at the rate of 200 lux. The same figure is required for the staff lounge.
We must remember that for hairdressing salons and beauty salons the most important factor is high-quality color rendering. That is why they use lamps with color temperatureThe lighting is as close to daylight as possible in order to avoid any perception problems and to ensure a clear rendering of shades.
Professional lighting in the beauty salon by area
To give a good impression of the clients and make the craftsmen feel comfortable working in the salon, lighting should be as even and homogeneous as possible in each area. To make it easier to understand, it is best to divide the room into functional zones and start from there.
Reception area lighting
This place catches the eye, as it is seen by everyone who enters the salon. The lighting should be done very carefully:
- The receptionist's desk.. It should be highlighted in order to attract attention, but not to create discomfort. Local lighting is usually used, which allows you to decorate the area as needed. For the employee, most often an additional light is placed to create a working area and ensure the convenience of working with papers, etc.
- The logo of the institutionVarious diplomas should also be illuminated separately to focus attention and create the right impression. Here everything depends on the situation and the configuration of the room. It is best to use spot or directional light.
- Waiting area requires special attention. There should be comfortable furniture and use quiet, comfortable lighting, setting up for relaxation and rest. Lights with diffused light are best, which do not create eye discomfort, but still provide good visibility. If there are magazines or other printed materials in the seating area, the table surface should be well lit.
By the way! Do not forget about the entrance to the building, corridors and passageways, if any. They need quality lighting.
Lighting of hairdressing salons
For the working areas requirements are higher, so you need to select the equipment with a number of recommendations:
- Provide uniform general lighting, for this the best is a diffused light. If the room is large or elongated shape, it is better to use several small light sources instead of one powerful one. Separate attention is paid to the working areas, they should be in areas with the best light.
- To ensure ideal conditions, you need to use additional lighting for hairdressing mirrors. It is best to place it on top or on the sides. You should not put lighting around the perimeter of the mirrorIt will distort the color rendering and emphasize all the flaws of the face. You can use lights with directional light to change their position if necessary.
- Manicurists and beauticians require high quality local lighting that delivers colors clearly and provides perfect visibility. The best option is LED equipment.
Types of lights used
First of all it is necessary to choose a source of light, it is better to use one of two options:
- Fluorescent lamps. Give a bright uniform light, do not heat up when working and do not consume much electricity. But for a hairdresser or manicurist, they may not be suitable because of the flicker, which does not affect color rendering, but over time contributes to the accumulation of eye fatigue.
- LED lights are a better fit, as they provide a smooth, bright light with a flicker factor of less than 1%. They provide any color temperature and can be adjusted for different purposes. At the same time, the power consumption is the lowest and the life span is the longest.Example of LED pendant lighting.
As for lamps, the best for hairdressing salons and beauty salons fit these models:
- Chandeliers or panels of diffused light. Used for general lighting, can have different sizes and shapes.
- Spot lights To highlight individual zones.
- Track systems with the possibility of installing plafonds in any place.Track systems allow you to place the spotlight anywhere on the bar.
- Wall-mounted variants With spotlights or adjustable flux.
For manicure and other specialized work you can use special lamps.
A clear video example of realized lighting in a beauty salon. Advice from the lighting designer.
Lighting for a beauty salon or hair salon should be done with a number of recommendations to ensure a good result. It is worth to be guided by the norms from SanPiN and use fixtures with natural color rendering.