Types of light fixtures for stretch ceilings - how to choose the right one
To choose light fixtures for stretch ceilings, you need to take into account several important points. The quality of lighting, the appearance of the ceiling, as well as energy consumption depends on the selection. You should also determine the appropriate type of equipment and its number.
The choice of lighting fixtures for stretch ceilings
Sometimes it is necessary to change obsolete equipment, and there is an opportunity to install additional lights, which can not be placed in concrete or wooden ceilings. You should always remember the rule - do not buy the cheapest models. The quality of the equipment is low, and the characteristics are often below the stated.
If there will be separate zones in the room that need additional lighting, it is better to think about this point in advance. And determine not only the power of the equipment, but also its type. For example, in some situations, adjustable swivel variants are better suited to shift the direction of light flow if necessary.
What criteria you need to use
To make it easier to understand, it is worth considering several criteria. All of them are important, if you miss even one factor, you will have to redo the system or install more powerful equipment. Remember the following:
- The housing should not be heated to 60 degrees or higher. This will cause the webbing to turn yellow and deform or become brittle over time. Determining the temperature is difficult, manufacturers do not specify this aspect in the information, so you should not take models that use strongly heated bulbs.
- The size of The design is very important, especially if it is a recessed lamp. It is worth taking into account the distance from the cloth to the ceiling partition. Select models so that they fit in the space allotted, and the body does not rest against the surface. It is best to clarify in advance with the installers what the distance will be under the suspended ceiling.
- The number of fixtures also matters. They should be placed no closer than 20 cm from the walls and seams on the canvas, if any. Also, you should not place spot or other options closer than 30 cm from each other. It is best to draw a general scheme in advance to select equipment on it.
Wiring is laid in advance, If you do not think through the location and ...and the number of luminaires...then it will be difficult to add them later.
It is impossible to say what fixtures for suspended ceilings better, it all depends on the purpose of use and the features of the room. But if you understand the main varieties and types of bulbs used, it is not difficult to choose.
What are there by type of luminous element
Currently, there are several basic types of lamps used in fixtures and chandeliers. Each of them has its own pros and cons, which are worth considering when choosing:
- Incandescent bulbs. Every year they are used less and less because of the high power consumption, strong heating during operation and the poor quality of light. When used in recessed lights, you can not put bulbs more than 40 watts, so that the cloth does not overheat. When installed in chandeliers, there are no restrictions.
- Halogen options are heated up an order of magnitude less, but can also overheat the cloth, if you install in a built-in lamp lamp power of 35 watts. In this case the quality of light is much higher, you can pick up different types of brightness and color temperature. The service life is also an order of magnitude longer.
- Fluorescent bulbs heat slightly during operation, so they are safe for the cloth. They burn brightly, consume much less electricity than previous options. But poorly tolerate frequent switching on and off, during this period, energy consumption rises sharply, and the risk of lamp failure is very high.
- LED equipment - the most preferred for today. Lamps and strips consume minimum electricity, while the quality of light is better than almost all analogues. You can select both brightness and color temperature to create comfortable lighting. Another advantage - light bulbs almost no heat at work.LED options - the most economical.
It is better to use the same kind of bulbs in all fixtures.
By design
For a stretch ceiling, all options can be used. But to determine what is better to choose, you need to understand the features of each solution:
- Recessed models. The body is hidden behind the suspended ceiling, which is convenient and practical. The main thing is that there should be enough space above the canvas to to mount. Spotlights can be used as supplementary and main lighting. They catch a small part of the room, so you need to place them every 40-80 cm.
- Surface-mounted lights are suitable if there is little space above the stretch ceiling. They are similar to recessed, but the body is outside and has an attractive design. In terms of characteristics, the variant does not differ from the first, but it is more convenient to adjust, if the mechanism is rotary.
- Chandeliers Are used in large rooms - living rooms, bedrooms. Often they are put in kitchens and square corridors. This is a traditional solution, which most often has several lamps, which provides the necessary brightness. The space is best illuminated in the middle, so often the set is supplemented with spotlights on the edges.
- LED strips. Most often they are used along the perimeter or laid in the niche of a multilevel ceiling to create a spectacular illumination. It is a decorative lighting element that is used as a decoration or to create a cozy atmosphere.
Choice of luminaire depending on the fabric
For stretch ceilings are used three main options - glossy, matte and satin fabrics. Depending on the type, the choice of lighting fixtures is different, because the surfaces have a different texture. Here you need to remember the following:
- Glossy surfaces reflect light best and act like a mirror. Therefore, use chandeliers with light directed upwards should be careful - they can give glare and blind a person. It is better to choose options that diffuse the light flux, due to the reflection in the room will be much lighter than usual.
- Matt ceilings do not reflect light. In this case, the light surfaces contribute to a brighter light, and the dark surfaces absorb the light flux. You can use chandeliers with horns pointing upwards, as there will be no glare. For such surfaces, spotlights with a directional flux will be suitable.
- Satin canvases softly reflect and diffuse light, allowing you to create a comfortable environment in the room. On them you can use any type of light fixtures, the surface is beautifully shimmering, so often use models with lamps directed to the sides or upwards.
You can combine different solutions to emphasize the features of the interior. Manufacturers make models of any type and style.
Modern spotlights for ceilings
This option is used in stretch ceilings most often. The main features of this type of light fixtures are as follows:
- Can be both recessed, overhead or suspended. A separate option is. track luminairesWhen a power rail is attached along the wall, and the plafond is placed anywhere and can be adjusted 180 degrees.
- Due to the small size, it is much easier to install. But you need to put the bases on the ceiling before stretching the cloth, because then you can't do it.
- Styling comes in different styles - from classic to high-tech. You can pick up point lights on the ceiling for any room. There are exclusive models developed by designers or decorated with Swarovski crystals.
- You can connect different groups of lights to different switch buttons. Or adjust the brightness through a dimmer.
It is best to use variants with LED bulbs. There are models in which LEDs are soldered in. They are durable, but if they fail, you need to change the entire fixture.
What's better, optimal models
When choosing a light fixture, it is worth considering the characteristics of the room. There are recommendations to keep in mind:
- Kitchen. If the area is small, you can distribute fixtures evenly over the surface. The dining area is often highlighted separately with pendant spotlights or overhead versions with the ability to adjust.
- Corridor or hallway .. When the width is small, you can place lights along the walls, this will visually expand the space and give a lot of light.
- Toilet and bathroom. Here it is enough to put a few elements to provide quality light.
- Living room, hall. By combining different types of lighting, you can visually highlight certain areas or zone the space. Most often, spot options and a chandelier are combined.
- Bedroom .. In this case, you can use lights as general lighting or use them to highlight individual zones.
Choosing a light fixture for stretch ceilings is not difficult if you take into account the recommendations and think in advance layout equipment. It is worth remembering that the fixtures under the lights are installed in advance, then you can not do it.
This video offers a simple classification and basis for selection.