
Why is the light blinking in the apartment or private home

Published: 01.02.2022

Flickering lights are a fairly common problem. The phenomenon is observed because of unstable voltage, it threatens the failure of expensive equipment and modern technology, also creates discomfort for the person. In such a situation, the probability of a short circuit and wiring fire is very high, so the problem must be eliminated immediately.


The causes are actually many and it is not easy to determine them, it is necessary to carry out a number of checks before identifying and eliminating the fault. If your chandelier started flashing - it's time to get to work. If the light in the apartment blinks, the reasons can be different:

  • An accident at the substation that serves your neighborhood;
  • The light fixture is damaged;
  • Your light bulb is out of order.;
  • The socket is out of order;
  • Worn contacts in the junction box;
  • Damaged wire connection;
  • Worn electrical wires;
  • Breakdown in the switchboard;
  • A welding machine is operating nearby (its load gives a voltage drop in the mains);
  • An electrical appliance is out of order.
Electric current is dangerous
Electric current is dangerous! Observe safety precautions.

Safety precautions

When malfunctions occur, it is recommended that a qualified electrician be called in. If you dare to carry out troubleshooting yourself, please observe basic safety precautions. Electric current is dangerous and cannot be seen with the human eye and can only be checked with measuring instruments.

The most important safety rule is to observe the order in which the work is carried out. Take your time and think things through. Start by completely disconnecting the power supply.. It does not matter if you change the lamp or wire, connect or disconnect the device. To turn off the mains, you have to put both circuit breakers in the off position. If you have ceramic fuses - unscrew them completely.

Expert advice
Every person has a body resistance. This value is not stable and depends on the general condition of the body. It is not advisable to get into the power grid if you are relaxed, drunk, or not feeling well - you risk a fatal shock that will end very sadly.
The electric board must be kept in perfect order.
The electrical board must be kept in perfect order.

Troubleshooting and Methods of Troubleshooting

"Every problem has a solution.

The only difficulty is finding it."

"Evvy Nef."

Flickering light bulb of a light fixture plugged into an outlet

You need to check the light fixture by plugging it into a different outlet. If the malfunction is not corrected - Replace the bulb.If the problem persists, replace the bulb, it may be the problem.

The electrical cord, switch, or lamp socket may be broken. To do this, disassemble the unit and visually inspect it for damage. Replace the damaged parts with new ones. Never check the unit when it is connected to a 220 V mains supply. You can check the continuity of the plug - socket section with a tester by testing the circuit.

Why does the light in an apartment or private house blink?
Table lamp.

The socket is out of order.

You can check it with a working lamp. If when you turn on the flashing light is accompanied by a characteristic crackling - most likely, the contact of the socket or incoming wire is heating and sparking. This malfunction is a great threat to the room, because not made in time repair - the cause of the fire. A similar situation can occur with circuit breakers.

Why does the light in your apartment or private home blink?
Burnt outlet power wires are the cause of overloading and poor contact.

Useful YouTube Video

Lights flashing throughout the room

Most buildings were built back in the last century. Old electrical wiring can be the cause of your house lights blinking. After checking the outlets, let's move on to the more global part.

First you should check the junction box. It can be responsible for powering a part of the apartment as well as the whole apartment, depending on where it is installed. Over the years, the strings oxidize and the insulation deteriorates.Over the years, the twisted joints get oxidized, the insulation becomes unusable - this is the reason for the unstable power supply to the appliances.

Why does the light in your apartment or house blink
The junction box. The cause of power fluctuations can be a bad contact.

In this case, completely disconnect the mains power at the switchboard and proceed to restore the connection. How to do it correctly - see the video overview:

Video tutorial - "How to Solder Twisting".

As a reminder, all connections are made safely and accurately. The connection area of the wires should be as large as possible - this reduces the heat of the connection site. Be sure to use a soldering iron to improve the quality of the connections, this will protect you from possible problems for a long time.

If this procedure did not help either, there may be similar problems in the electrical panel. At high loads often burns out the cable. The switchboard is usually located in the entryway. Perform inspection and repair in the same manner. Eliminate any malfunctions. Use indicator screwdrivers.. They indicate the presence of voltage on the bare wires.

Why does the light in your apartment or house blink
Correct execution of the stranding, ready for soldering.

Wiring problems

Flickering lights can be caused by damaged or old wiring. It is more difficult to check this, as a rule, it is hidden in the wall, but there are also open installation. Check such wiring sections, probing separately each of them for a short circuit or breakage.

There are frequent cases of piercing wiring, for example: you drilled a wall, hung a picture, and the light started blinking. Here you have definitely damaged the cable. In such cases, it is recommended to completely replace the section. Keep in mind, any old wiring will not be reliable. If possible, replace it with new wiring.

Why does the light in your apartment or house blink
Mechanically damaged wiring.

Lights flashing when you turn on appliances

Check the faults described above, ask your neighbors, perhaps the problem concerns them too. It is necessary to Contact the organization that maintains the local power grid. Write a collective complaint about the power outage, they will check the cable inlet to the house and provide an opinion, from which you can move on. If there is nothing wrong with the incoming cable, then the cause is deeper and you can't solve it on your own.

With the district loads can not cope with the electrical substation and in this case the issue is resolved by buying a voltage regulator. It is installed selectively though on the whole room, though on its separate part.

Note that the neighbors can also harm, people include electric appliances of high power in the network. They cause the flashing of the light in the whole hallway.

What to do if the district power grid does not respond to complaints

If you have come across the unscrupulous attitude of the organization that supervises your electric grid, file a complaint with the RosPotrebNadzor. This institution monitors and inspects the work of the management company in your area and the specific service provider.

Note that the flashing light is not normal. It not only harms the human psyche and vision, but can also cause a lot of trouble - the failure of electrical appliances, short circuits and fires.

A voltage stabilizer

The stabilizer uses and equalizes the mains voltage and gives a stable, even value. The voltage range in which household appliances are working is 200 to 240 volts. The power of such a device, depends on its technical characteristics. It is selected individually and can be installed on individual consumers.

Why does the light in your apartment or house blink
Electric voltage stabilizer.

Flickering light is a great enemy not only for man, but also for any electrical appliance. A voltage stabilizer protects against constant voltage fluctuations and provides a reliable uninterrupted supply of voltage. It can be used anywhere, in the house or apartment, office or garageIt can be used anywhere in the home or apartment, the office or the garage, the construction site or the warehouse. Such a solution will be competent and reliable for you and your family. Stabilizers can be different, released a lot of models and sizes, but the principle that they have in common.

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